First, the next Copa tournament is April 22nd, a little over six weeks away. That's plenty of time to get ready. More about this in the days and weeks to come.
Second, I'm back to the "every other Saturday" routine. I trained Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week and I'm whipped come Thursday morning. I'm still having a hard time getting back on my personal training track. But hopefully having this tournament out in front of me will help with that. I want to put in some serious treadmill work on Saturday morning and some heavy-duty lawn work on Sunday. That should set me up for Monday morning and the renewal of the tournament-training program.
Third, I haven't written about the Saturday class, Monday's class, Tuesday's class or last night's class. My memory of Saturday and even Monday has faded a bit. Maybe it will come back to me after I talk about Tuesday's and Wednesday's night classes ...
Let me say this straight out: I've GOT to do a better job of incorporating what Rodrigo is teaching us. Sure, I'm going to have a hard time implementing my new techniques against the higher belts. But I've got to, got to keep doing it. Otherwise, what's the point?
I really like the open guard stuff that Stephan and Rodrigo have been showing, controling the sleeves and using your feet in their biceps or hips. I also like the "sitting up" type guard that Marcelo Garcia uses. I can match that up with the technique that Rodrigo showed us that created both a sweep and a pass to the back. I've been trying to incorporate a kimura attack when the guy (or, as the case was last night, gal) tries to grab my ankle cuff. But while I was able to put both Joe and Maggie on the defensive with that quick kimura move, I was pretty much stuck once they countered it (Joe straightened his arm; Maggie grabbed first my pant leg, then her own gi).
I'm thinking that the kimura attack from the sitting up guard needs to be combined with something like an arm drag and move to take the back. I'm thinking that the arm that is under (as opposed to the arm that has the wrist gripped) should grab the elbow and pull it toward and across my body. With the inside hook in, I should swing my other leg around and move to take the back. The wrist-holding hand should reach around and the other hand (the one that was grabbing the elbow) should reach under the arm to establish back control.
Wednesday night
Rodrigo really worked the hell out of us. A lot of running, pushups and squats ... not so much ab work. But he did have us do the fall/standup drill for awhile. It's been many moons since he's had us do that one ...
I worked with Tommy. Rodrigo has us learn three techiques, I think.
Side control to armlock via knee-on-belly
I want to double check the spin-into-armbar part of this move. I think I've got it right. But I need to make sure.
Open guard sweep of standing opponent
Spider guard sweep of down opponent