Monday, February 04, 2008

January Goal Review


I re-injured my left eye (corneal abrasion) on Saturday the nineteenth. That kept me out for a week.

Totally my bad. My eye patch came off and I didn't replace it. Eventually, I got caught with something in the eye again. The moral of the story? Wear the fucking eye patch.

I also experienced a lot of cramping in my legs. I suspect part of that has to do with the additional conditioning I've been doing and the lack of proper hydration. That should be an easy fix.


Trained eight days in January. Two a weeks would have given me ten days. Three a weeks would have given me fifteen. If you toss the week I was out with the eye injury, then we're looking at two a weeks with eight days and three a weeks with twelve.

So that's not as bad as it looks at first glance. I ended up at the low end of the 8-12 range. But at least I was in the range--which is more than I can say for much of 2007.

With regard to technique, I've been focusing on the half-guard from the bottom, passing the guard and half-guard from the top, and things like Rap Star from the closed guard. That should be enough for the first quarter (January, February, March) of this year.


The Revolution event is this Saturday at West Seattle High. I weighed in at 161.6 after training today, which is about seven pounds over. If we take away the 2-3 pound weekend allowance, then we're looking at a Tuesday weigh-in of around 159.6-158.6. That would keep me on pace for making 154.9 by Thursday evening after training.

I'm not going to kill myself to make 154.9--not for this event. But I'd like to make a real go of it. Ideally, I do think I'm competing under 155. But we'll just have to see if I can get there from here by then.

The next event after this one that I know of is the Revolution event on July 12. But I wouldn't be surprised if somebody sneaks in a tournament in March or April.