Saturday, January 21, 2006

Butterflies on Saturday

Only five of us: Griff, Mauricio, Jesse Black (who showed up gi-less), Arnell (who was a little late) and myself.

We worked arm bars from the mount as a drill to warm-up. Then moved on to butterfly guard. Rodrigo was mostly getting us accustomed to the position--using it and trying to pass it.

Sparred with everyone. Griff got me in an RNC and an armbar. Sure, he's got me by more than fifty pounds, but I can tell he's getting better. Jesse the Black got me in a triangle. His triangles are especially tough, which means I'm doing something very wrong that I need to figure out. I think it's posture, which Rodrigo was yelling to me when I was rolling with Mauricio and stuck in his guard.

Got mount with Arnell, but really couldn't do anything with it. I need to review Ribeiro's katagatame video ...