Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Royler on Cobrinha

Royler Gracie will be giving a seminar here in Washington (Tacoma) next weekend (July 27th, more info is here.)

Royler, a former multiple-time time jiu jitsu champion at featherweight, was interviewed by Gracie Magazine on the recent win of the current featherweight jiu jitsu phenom, Cobrinha.

The interview is here.
I always root for attacking, beautiful and forward-moving Jiu-Jitsu, and I saw Cobrinha being crowned four-time champion as something really great for the sport. He, Bruno Frazatto, runner-up, and the other kid, Rafael Mendes are really technical, they’re all to be congratulated, but Cobrinha’s fourth just makes the sport all the greater.