Thursday, May 18, 2006


Tuesday, I'm ready for class--and for a new Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday training schedule. Tommy leads the warm-up. A few laps around the mat, high knees, touch-your-heels, sideways facing in, sideways facing out, two-in/two-out ... Fine enough.

Then Tommy has us to judo forward rolls. I do about three, then move over a little bit because Mamazinho is showing a new white belt how to do the rolls properly. I should have paid more attention because my next roll is my last.

I don't know exactly what I did wrong, but when I landed the sting in my hip was pronounced. I tried to get up, and could after a minute, and hobbled back to the line. I was done. Eventually I worked my way to the sidelines and realized that it wasn't my hip as much as it was my groin. Rodrigo, then Mamazinho checked on me. But it was pretty clear that I was done for the night.

I took Wednesday off work to ice my groin non-stop. I'm hobbling around the office today, but I think with more heavy-duty ice tonight, I'll be able to start switching from cold to heat with every other application. My goal is to be back on the mat rolling by next Tuesday (the 23rd) and sparring 100% by the Tuesday after that (the 30th).

A couple of observations: it is clear that I am as strong as I need to be at the under-160 level. So what I need to focus on his muscular endurance (i.e., dumbbell complex and Tabata 4 DB workout) and cardio (treadmill).

But more importantly, I've got to start stretching twice a day. There's just no denying this any more. I think the biggest problem was that I last trained on Thursday the 11th and didn't do any stretching or vigorous activity for four days until the Tuesday night I pulled the groin. Nino Schembri is one of the most flexible guys in jiu jitsu and even HE stretches twice a day. I've just got to do it.

I'd even argue that if I didn't do anything resistance or cardio-wise every day, but got in two stretching sessions every day, that would be plenty fine enough.

So, my recovery schedule is:
Thursday p.m. ice only
Friday p.m. ice only
Saturday p.m. ice/heat alternating
Sunday p.m. ice/heat alternating
Monday p.m. ice/heat alternating: begin light stretching
Tuesday p.m. return to bjj training

Wish me luck.