Monday, November 27, 2006

About That Guard Pass

Okay, I'm happy enough with myself for the PTMU effort of late. But I'm not so overjoyed that I didn't find it worthwhile to watch Cesar Gracie's explanation of the he's-too-heavy version of the standing guard pass (which, in my case, is also known as the still-too-lazy-to-PTMU-half-the-time standing guard pass) tonight after class ...

Hand position, right side forward.
Posture. Don't look down.
Hips forward. High up on knees.
Step forward with the right foot.
Step up with the left.
Grab pants by the thigh on left side.
Dig left elbow into the crook of knee.
Step back with the left leg.
Wedge the elbow through and down.

Maintain grip on pants leg as you take the leg to the mat.

That opens the guard.