Friday, July 07, 2006

Free Your Ass ...

and your mind will follow?

If Rickson Gracie made famous his inversion of the saying, "go with the flow" by saying that jiu jitsu at its highest and purest is, instead, the ability to "flow with the go," then why can't I invert the classic line from George Clinton of the 1970s funk band, Funkadelic to suggest that sometimes in jiu jitsu the battle is won or lost by virtue of your ability to "free your ass"?

I'm doing a little homework, and noticing that so much of jiu jitus involves putting your hips in the right place to secure superior leverage versus your opponent. Consider the escape from the scarf hold. You want to get your hips under his hips in order to "twist back" the guy the other way.

I'm trying to train myself to escape side control with the mantra: THROAT, SWIM, WALK, FLAT, PULL, BOOM! All of those steps are important. But one key is the WALK step where, after getting the underhook, you "walk" your legs away from the side control pin in order to get your hips out from under his pressure.

Your hips aren't pinned in side control, but your upper body is. And that limits your ability to move your hips. So you've got to "walk" away in order to FREE YOUR ASS ...

Even the guard replacement drill that Mamazinho showed us involves the FREE YOUR ASS principle. When the guy is passing your guard, you want to get your ass out of there by elbow escaping in the opposite direction.

Anyway, that's my breakthrough discovery. Next up, the DON'T BLOCK THE BODY theorem ...