Friday, June 08, 2007

The Work of Waiting

The return to the mat will be delayed longer than I expected. Fortunately, it has more to do with professional responsibilities than health concerns.

I know I'll be back by the second half of July--when the project I'm working on will be due, if not completed. If I can make better progress, then maybe early July or even late June might work. But I'm not going to be over optimistic. This particular project is a big deal professionally. In some ways it represents the one thing I always wanted to do in life, ever since I was a little kid ...

So, to be blunt, I don't want to fuck it up.

And that means focus, and a later return date than I'd hoped for.

I'm still working out when I can, especially practicing hip movement and killing my abs with bicycles and leg lifts. And a dressed-no-shoes weigh-in of 163.9 this morning was very good to see considering what tends to happen to guys when they leave the mat for any length of time ...

That's the news on that front. Life these days is an interesting combination of patience and haste.