Monday, March 13, 2017

Jiu-jitsu, Health, and Winter Cold Season

Part of being a good jiu-jitsu teammate is staying away from the mats when you are coming down with a cold. If you've been sick for a while, are starting to feel better, and wondering if you should come back - come back. You are probably no longer contagious. But if you are starting to feel your own personal "tells" (headache, scratchy throat, whatever) that you might be about to catch something, PLEASE take a day off or two for your teammates' sake so you don't infect the entire school.

So stay home. Watch videos on FloGrappling. Read back issues of GracieMag. Go for a walk in the fresh air. Hell, even stop by the academy and watch your teammates train. Just don't get on the mat if you're coming down with a cold. You're not doing anyone any favors.