Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Training

Tuesday we continued working on counters to the butterfly guard hook sweep. This time, we focused mostly on the spin/walk pass, where you overhook their underhooking arm, then step out with your back leg, pressure their inside leg at the knee with your stomach/hip, and reach through and check that inside leg with your rear and as you walk around toward the back, pressuring them lower with your shoulder.

One key detail was to make sure that you stay as horizontal as possible as you move around toward the back. One of the mistakes I was making a few times was to turn on my shoulder, moving to the back sideways. This, as Rodrigo pointed out, makes me vulnerable to getting pushed backward.

We also worked a variation if the guy managed to free his arm from the underhook as you move around to the back. Here, the assumption was that he rolled away. To counter this, you reach under the guy's far arm and grab the far lapel. This will help prevent him from rolling over. You want to make sure that you pull the lapel tight across his body; your fist/grip should almost be under his armpit.

To really get a good grip and control, you go bellydown as you pull the lapel under the arm. Your head should be on his shoulder. From here, you have good control and can actually transition into an armlock by bringing up your nearest leg (mine tended to be my left) behind the back and stepping over the head with the outside leg. The armlock is there. Don't rush it.

We also did a lot of specific work. We did some rear mount/rear mount escape work and then some mount/mount escape. My scoot was working pretty well in the rear mount escape position, and I managed to work the bow and arrow choke from the top. I got a nice collar choke from mount and was able to work a little bit on my mount escapes as well, focusing on getting to my side, wedging in the bottom knee and doing a sort of Fugitive move to reverse.

A good night on the tatame. I was 156.8 after training which is an excellent Tuesday number. I also felt very good cardio-wise. I'm starting to wonder if part of my problem has been the weight of that HCK competition single jacket I've been wearing. I wore the standard single tonight and actually think the lighter jacket might have helped. We'll see when we go back to the competition single tomorrow.