Saturday, March 25, 2006

Guard Passin'

I've been doing a typically lousy job of passing the guard. A lot of the time, I'm just defending against sweeps and submission attempts. Maintaining my base. But I need to focus more on passing the guard. Ideally, George (who was back for training today) would be a good guy for me to train with: him working on his guard game and me working on my guard passing game. But I'm not sure he's back regularly. Joe is also a good guy for me to work with. Whenever we spar that's pretty much where we end up anyway ...

I'm not commiting enough to the pass, especially Saulo's pass, which I know like the back of my hand. And I'm not completely comfortable with the standing guard pass that Rodrigo has shown us (though I'm more and more comfortable with standing in the guard ...).

I think a part of it is that I'm not completely sure what move I make after the guard has been opened. A technical problem.

Anyway, here are a couple of passes.

Basic Leg on Shoulder

Inside Knee
Never mind the description of this at the website.

"Outside Knee"
They call this "Near Knee" but it seems like he's attacking with the "outside" knee. It's "the backstep." Again, ignore the title at the website.