Friday, February 01, 2008

158.6 One Week Out

Managed to get to the academy for the afternoon class. I was a little late, trying to finish up some work for The Daily Planet, and I hadn't eaten anything but a couple of strips of bacon and some raisins all morning. But it was good pop in and out of the telephone booth and get in some more mat time before next week's event, nonetheless.

I'm about four pounds over right now. I really couldn't have hoped for much more. If I can hold the line over the weekend (Super Bowl Weekend, at that!), and weigh-in at 158.6 or lower after training Monday afternoon, then I think I'll make 154.9 by Friday night.

Actually, it's more like midnight Thursday. That's the registration deadline, and I don't want to sign up for 154.9 and under unless I know I can make that weight. If I make 154.9 on the official scale after Thursday night's training, then I'll register at that weight. If I can't make it by Thursday, I'm calling the whole weight cutting affair off for this tournament and signing up for 155-169.9.

My plan for the final week is to use the "Sponge Weight Cutting Strategy". No meat after Sunday. Carb loading with Gatorade Monday through Wednesday. Protein drinks for dinner Monday, lunch and dinner Tuesday and all meals from Wednesday through weigh-in on Friday night. I'd like to avoid the sort of water starving I did last time, just because it was so unpleasant. But that will depend on what I'm weighing by Tuesday after training. If I'm at 156.9 or less, then I don't think keeping up a decent H2O intake will cost me come Friday night.