Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Best Training Evah

Not just because I got to roll with Rodrigo for 20-25 minutes straight, but also because I executed the best guard opener/pass I've done in many, many months just one sparring partner before that.

I've been trying to break my guard opening into the most basic steps possible. To get my basic positioning, I've got "Tuck. Hands. Shrug. Up." From there, I've got three moves: PTMU, the Saulo Step and today's feature, the Snatch and Go.

It worked flawlessly. With that sort of effortlessness that you learn to love when you do something in jiu jitsu right. I've been loathe to give my training sessions more than a B+ for one reason: usually my guard opening and passing sucks eggs, and for as long as I was unable to overcome some basic bad habits, I refused to give myself an "A" grade, regardless of how well I might have done in anything else.

But not today, baby. It was really an "A" training session--my first one in awhile. Here's hoping I can make a few good habits stick.