Thursday, January 24, 2008

Return of the Son of Damn Your Eyes

Not even a hint of cauliflower ear.

No staph, no ringworm.

No popped elbows, no tweaked knees, no twisted wrists or turned ankles.

No kinked neck. No seperated shoulders.

No chipped tooth, busted lip, or broken nose.

But I'll be damned if the jiu jitsu gods don't have it in for my eyes.

Or at least my left eye, which is once again suffering from another corneal abrasion. I made it out to the specialist in Renton who confirmed that the pain I had been suffering since Monday morning was in fact another attack of the Cornea Abrasion Without End.

The good news is that corneal tissue is allegedly the fastest regrowing tissue in the human body, with most abrasions healing within 24-36 hours.

The bad news is that I've already lost a week of training in advance of the Revolution event I still plan to compete in on February 9th.

It's a work-through tournament, so it's not as if a tremendous amount is riding on my performance on the 9th. Still, it's a major pain not to be on the mat with three weeks--now two weeks--left to go.

The specialist fitted me with a clear plastic lengs to protect my cornea from my eyelid while it heals. I'll got to get the lens checked on tomorrow afternoon (ahem, 48 hours after the lens was installed for those of you keeping track of time). The specialist I visited yesterday thought that I'd probably end up keeping the lens in place for another week regardless to make sure that the cornea had completely healed. So I'm not sure if I'll be training next week or not.

One thing is for sure, though: I'll never train without me pirate eyepatch again.