Monday, January 07, 2008

Coursework Addendum: Armdrags and Jayhawks

I forgot to mention one of the drills that we worked on Thursday night. An armdrag from the sitting or Cobra guard against a standing opponent.

The key thing here was the leg positioning. In a nutshell, you always want your legs to be butterflied, but open to the outside. That will mean having your inside knee up, your outside knee down and your inside arm up as you attack with the armdrag.

We worked it in a free form, moving back and forth and attacking with the arm drag when we were "ready." It really reinforces how those "jawhawks" I used to include in my jiu jitsu Tabata are a worthwhile exercise (and maybe one I need to put back in ...) I had a hard time both with the leg coordination and with the "lift off" of the jayhawk. I suspect the problems are related ...