Saturday, July 31, 2010

Training Day: Saturday

As good as Friday's training was, Saturday's competition training might have been even better. I got to the academy a little late, but was able to jump right in with some "King of the Guard" work before we moved on to some specific training and then some sparring.

A lot of good folks there: Jesse, Lance, Sauleh, Casey, "Buscape", Tom, JM, Anthony, Ruben - in his brand new purple belt! - so many that we had to do sparring in six minute rounds. It's really going to be something else when we move into the new facility in another month and can have everyone training at the same time. I'm guessing the intensity on competition training days will go up all the more.

Didn't work on deep half as much as I'd have liked to. I did try out the Skeedaddle with the cross sleeve grip during my stint of the King of the Guard and it is more or less taken the place of the Guy La Fleur sweep as my sweep of last resort.

157.6 on the scale, post-train. I did a few tempo-style sets of lat pulldowns after training. Going forward, those will be for after training on Monday and Friday since those are my tempo training days. Right now, it looks like my training schedule for August will be jiu jitsu on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and every other Saturday. I'll do tempo training on Monday and Friday, and explosive-repeat on Tuesday and Thursday. Saturdays I don't train will be 60+ minutes of LSD.

I'm also doing some specific stuff over the next six weeks: twice a week Atlas program of lactic conditioning for shoulders, and 3x a week of hip flexor-based core work (glute bridges, leg lifts, decline sit-ups), to deal with special problem areas. I'm also going to try to spend August improving my flexibility and getting a modest little supplement habit down (fish oil and Vitamin D after meals, ZMA before bed).