Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Training Day: Wednesday

It's been a long time since I've been as bone-tired as I was during parts of Wednesday's training. It was my third training in a row, something that is a little atypical but not unheard of. But the combination of the conditioning routine I did Tuesday before training that evening and the heat of Wednesday afternoon took me to the limits. I felt like a jiu jitsu zombie.

We continued to work on guard passing for the most part - Week 3A, for those of you playing along with the GB Fundamentals curriculum. I'm getting more and more comfortable with the underhook pass from standing, and Wednesday had us work on the variation from the knees. That one I'm a little less comfortable with - having spent so much time focusing on the physics of passing the guard from standing. But the principles are the same, so working to develop one should help the other.

A couple of things standing out. I need to get better at the crossbody to knee on belly transition. I'm leaving too much space to catch guys my level. I think a part of what I need to do is transition to be "better side" and work the knee on belly from there first, instead of just trying to work it in whereever I find myself.

Ch-ch-changes continue to mark the academy. On the whole, they is very much for the better. But newness almost always takes some getting used to. And despite my personage as a radical commie bastard, I'm a pretty conservative guy in my personal affairs and don't take readily to changes in scenery or substance.

159.2 on the scale post-train. I realized that in 2009 at this time, I was about 4-5 pounds lighter on average. Hopefully, my 2010 number will continue to slide lower between now and next week without a whole lot of additional effort (i.e., starving).