Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Omoplata Counter from Mike Fowler and JT Torres

The latest gift from Lloyd Irvin, Mike Fowler and J.T. Torres: Omoplata Escape.

I don't know how long this will be up - or at its current location. So I wanted to get a screen capture of at least one of the critical steps in the counter.

Here's a quick transcription of the main idea:
"When JT gets me in the omoplata, what I need to do know is I need to step up. So, watching my back leg, I'm going to put my leg up. From here, I'm going to slide my foot in like I was doing a butterfly sweep right here. My feet are together and my knees are out. Now what I want to do is I want to push using my arm and shoulder into him and put him up on his shoulder. I'm going to be going right to my butt. Now here's the thing: I don't want to fall to my back. I want to go from my knee to my butt to my other knee. As I roll him over like this, I want to control his pants. And I'm going to push him all the way over. That way when we land, my arm is now in the back and I'm kinda out of the danger of that omoplata ...

The second explanation.

"From here, I'm going to step my foot up, slide in - and from here, remember, don't keep your head up so high - keep everything locked in nice and tight. That way when I step up and slide in and go from here to here, I've got a nice strong base and I'm not going to be stuck with anything else. Now here's what you need to watch our for. JT is going to look out for that triangle as I come up too. That's why I'm waiting for him to unlock. So as I come up, I'm going to block and keep his legs open and now I can come out and now I've got his legs open and I can start working for a pass ..."