Monday, March 29, 2010

Training Day: Monday


5a. Mon am/pm, Wed pm
1. Front bear hug with double underhooks
2. Headlock escape/counter on the ground
3. Side control transition to north/south and back (without backstep or hip switch)

Specific training was mostly 60 second side control and escape. Then we did some "king of the hill" guard/pass guard. Unfortunately, I'm still doing a terrible job of practicing my specific focus areas. I did a lot of half guard (what else is new?), but I don't think I went for the transition to deep half once.

I'm also still allowing myself to get flattened out. Even if I've got the skills to regain good position, it's a detour I need to stop pursuing because all it does is (a) waste energy and (b) increase the potential for making a mistake while in a vulnerable or at least semi-vulnerable position.

A good day on the mat. My conditioning felt pretty good even though I'm increasingly going up against larger and larger guys of late. We'll see if what seems to be some modest improvement on that front actually holds up.