Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ground Control to Major Burien Top Team

I truly believe that to become great at Jiu Jitsu you just have to do Jiu Jitsu as much as you can. If you can choose between Jiu Jitsu training and weights, always choose Jiu Jitsu.
--Marcelo Garcia
I feel like I'm orbiting Marcelo Garcia's work like a lunar lander these days. I'm back to re-reading his book and poking around the forums at On the Mat and at

What is most important to me right now are big themes, "sensibilities" to use Rickson's word. One of the things that I love about guys like Marcelo Garcia and Rickson Gracie and Saulo Ribeiro and Roger Gracie is that they so clearly have a reality-based, unified field theory of jiu jitsu that allows them to contextualize almost any situation into a scenario that works best for them.

While I don't think that my and Marcelinho's UFTs are exactly the same, there have been elements of his jiu jitsu that always have made tremendous sense to me. And it wouldn't surprise me if this stage in my maturation in jiu jitsu is all about finally making some of those elements mine.